Make the difference: organic vegetables

Make the difference: organic vegetables

In a world where customers are becoming more conscious about the quality of products and the respect of the environment, we consider the necessity of including organic vegetables, especially our main production: brassicas, you can enjoy our organic broccoli, and...
Lettuce production in Spain 

Lettuce production in Spain 

It is probably that one of the most asked questions around the world is: why is lettuce the main character in the majority of the salads? At MYRTEA we do not doubt it: because of its great benefits. Customers are really clever and it is not casual that lettuce, in all...
The most popular vegetables in Europe

The most popular vegetables in Europe

Which are the most popular vegetables in Europe? Consumers in Europe are becoming more conscious about the importance of including in their diets more vegetables. It is known that these products have a lot of benefits to our health.  People who eat more...