Bringing summer to every table
Our fruit range, is specialized in watermelon and four varieties of melon. These are Mediterranean fruits that offer a sweetness and texture that is recognised all over the world thanks to the fact that they ripen under the southern Spanish sun and are harvested at their optimum moment.

Watermelon is the fruit which contains the highest amount of water (93%), so its caloric value is very low, barely 20 calories per 100 grams.
Product characteristics: Watermelon quenches thirst. It has depurative properties. It is recommended for kidney or urinary tract problems. It is highly recommended in slimming diets. Its consumption produces a feeling of satiety. Its fibre content helps to cleanse the intestines. It favours the elimination of toxic waste.

The PDS melon is a plant with creeping stems. It is cultivatos for its fruit, a summer-season peponide berry with a high water content and a sweet taste.
Product characteristics: It is diuretic, due to its high water content, it favours urination. It has hardly any fibre, but due to its high water content it favours the feeling of satiety. It provides vitamins A, vitamin C and to a lesser extent vitamin B. It is light, as 100 grams of melon only contains less than 55 calories.

The Yellow Honeydew melon has an ellipsoidal and/or spherical shape depending on the variety. The skin is yellow and has a smooth or rough texture. The flesh is aromatic and yellow and green in colour.
Product characteristics: Contains vitamins B, C and E and minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Product characteristics: The flesh is orange in colour, similar to pumpkin. It is very sweet and juicy. It is the fruit with the highest content of vitamin A and niacin, as well as folic acid, vitamin C or ascorbic acid and vitamin E. It also contains minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. 92% of it is water.

The Galia melon has an ellipsoidal and/or spherical shape depending on the variety. The skin colour is greenish or yellow and the texture is smooth or rough. The pulp is aromatic and yellow and green in colour.
Product characteristics: Contains vitamins B, C and E and minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Watermelon is the fruit which contains the highest amount of water (93%), so its caloric value is very low, barely 20 calories per 100 grams.
Product characteristics: Watermelon quenches thirst. It has depurative properties. It is recommended for kidney or urinary tract problems. It is highly recommended in slimming diets. Its consumption produces a feeling of satiety. Its fibre content helps to cleanse the intestines. It favours the elimination of toxic waste.

The PDS melon is a plant with creeping stems. It is cultivatos for its fruit, a summer-season peponide berry with a high water content and a sweet taste.
Product characteristics: It is diuretic, due to its high water content, it favours urination. It has hardly any fibre, but due to its high water content it favours the feeling of satiety. It provides vitamins A, vitamin C and to a lesser extent vitamin B. It is light, as 100 grams of melon only contains less than 55 calories.

The Yellow Honeydew melon has an ellipsoidal and/or spherical shape depending on the variety. The skin is yellow and has a smooth or rough texture. The flesh is aromatic and yellow and green in colour
Product characteristics: Contains vitamins B, C and E and minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Product characteristics: The flesh is orange in colour, similar to pumpkin. It is very sweet and juicy. It is the fruit with the highest content of vitamin A and niacin, as well as folic acid, vitamin C or ascorbic acid and vitamin E. It also contains minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. 92% of it is water.

The Galia melon has an ellipsoidal and/or spherical shape depending on the variety. The skin colour is greenish or yellow and the texture is smooth or rough. The pulp is aromatic and yellow and green in colour.
Product characteristics: Contains vitamins B, C and E and minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.